# Rankings
## World Para Swimming [WPS]
* Direct link (avoiding the iframe) [available here](https://db.ipc-services.org/sdms/web/ranking/sw/)
* Fetch rankings for a custom period by date: https://db.ipc-services.org/sdms/web/ranking/sw/excel/type/WR/list/376/category/LC/start/start_date/end/end_date
## Swimming Canada Para Rankings
* I maintain those, [available here](https://rankings.edey.org)
* API end point https://rankings.edey.org/api/Results?course=LCM&gender=W&since=2022-10-01&until=2024-01-31&bests=True&AWR=True&score=True
* Adjusted World Rankings [AWR]
* 3 per country per event (maximum number of swimmers eligible for entry at championships)
* Canadians excluded (compete against the world, not ourselves)
* Produced at least twice annually - in the fall after Major Games, in the winter at least a training cycle before Trials
* [Available here](https://www.swimming.ca/competition-resources/)